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Showing posts from January, 2022

One Shot Fight Enders - You don't want to fight but what if you are attacked by someone who wants to fight?

Why does one need  One Shot Fight Enders  ? one-shot-fight-ender-kick-self-defense The reality is that the majority of men and women will always seek to resolve a situation via peaceful means first. Unfortunately, though, there are a lot of people out there who have learned to use violence to get things done their way.  They just want to impose their wishes & will on others. So if , without your wish, if a fight starts then you should know how to end it fast without being harmed & causing any fatalities.  how-to-defend-yourself-in-3-seconds You can download a Free ebook titled 'How to defend yourself in less than 3 seconds' by clicking here . Why must everyone(men & women) learn the basics of Self Defense? You don't like to fight. But what will you do if a random guy you meet likes to fight? And fights for no obvious reason! You can run into anti-social elements, criminals any time! Hence, to defend oneself in such situations everyone should be familiar with the

5 Signs He does Not Love You Anymore (And What to do About it?)

“Two words. Three vowels. Four consonants. Seven letters. It can either cut you open to the core and leave you in ungodly pain or it can free your soul and lift a tremendous weight off your shoulders. The phrase is: It's over." ― Maggi Richard There’s nothing more painful than knowing that your man doesn’t feel like he did when you first met. On the surface, everything might seem fine. To your family and friends, you might look like the perfect couple, and everything's going well between you. But that small voice in your heart tells you differently. You can't quite put your finger on it, but you know your relationship is in trouble. And with each passing day, that voice inside you grows louder and louder. Part of you just wants to bury your head in the sand and pretend that everything’s fine. But you know that sooner or later, you can’t ignore that voice anymore. As for your man, he’s not telling you anything, and it’s driving you crazy. Sometimes you wish he’d just co